Tesla shares video of Optimus autonomously sorting battery cells


The article discusses the latest advancements in Tesla’s Optimus humanoid robot, focusing on its capabilities and future prospects. Tesla has released a new video showcasing Optimus performing various tasks autonomously, such as sorting 4680 battery cells, using its advanced sensors and neural network technology. The robot is noted for its ability to correct its own errors and has been undergoing testing in one of Tesla’s factories, with reduced human interventions over time. Optimus has also demonstrated its improved mobility, with a clip showing it walking across an office space.

Tesla’s updates on Optimus include its enhanced speed and precision in tasks like folding laundry and performing physical activities like yoga. Elon Musk has expressed optimism about Optimus’s role in Tesla’s factories, anticipating broader applications by the end of the year and potential sales outside the company by 2025. Musk also mentioned a significant reduction in the robot’s expected price, projecting it to cost less than half of a car, somewhere below $25,000 or $30,000.


Tesla shares video of Optimus autonomously sorting battery cells
Tesla has shared a new video of its Optimus humanoid robot, showing off the technology's ability to sort battery cells, take walks, and...



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