Tesla Autopilot Probe Escalates as US Agency Demands Dataformat


The article focuses on the intensifying federal scrutiny that Tesla Inc. is facing regarding its Autopilot system. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has requested additional data from Tesla to evaluate whether the company’s recent large-scale recall has indeed made its driver-assistance system safer. This recall, which affected over 2 million vehicles, was initiated after it was found that Autopilot’s controls and warnings were insufficient for a system requiring constant driver supervision.

NHTSA’s concerns stem from a significant safety gap between what drivers expect from Autopilot and its actual capabilities, which has led to numerous crashes. The agency has documented 211 incidents where Tesla vehicles crashed while on Autopilot, highlighting cases where drivers had sufficient time to prevent or mitigate collisions but failed to do so. As a result, Tesla shares have fallen, reflecting investor concerns over the efficacy and safety of Autopilot, especially as the company emphasizes its development of Full Self-Driving (FSD) capabilities, which are still not fully autonomous.

The scrutiny of Tesla’s driving systems is not limited to NHTSA; it extends to other regulatory bodies such as the Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission, which are investigating various aspects of Tesla’s self-driving technology claims and their public communication. The article also notes the increasing number of investigations into incidents suspected to involve Autopilot, particularly under the Biden administration. This regulatory pressure could lead to significant penalties for Tesla if they fail to comply with NHTSA’s demands by the set deadlines.


Tesla Autopilot Probe Escalates as US Agency Demands Data
(Bloomberg) -- Tesla Inc. is facing increased federal scrutiny of Autopilot, with the top US auto-safety regulator seeking data that will help determine whether...


解説YouTubeはこちらより 記事の要約はこちら テスラ社の自動運転システム「オートパイロット」が、アメリカ国家道路交通安全局(NHTSA)からの厳しい監視を受けています。最近、2百万台以上の車両に対する大規模リコールが実施されましたが、

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